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All Settings

Here's a list of all the settings, including those that are simpler but equally valuable, consolidated on one page:

Smyth Settings


host - str (default: "") Used by Uvicorn to bind to an address.


port - int (default: 8080) Used by Uvicorn as the bind port.

Log Level

log_level - str (default: "INFO") Sets the logging level for the uvicorn and smyth logging handlers.

Smyth Path Prefix

smyth_path_prefix - str (default: "/smyth") The path prefix used for Smyth's status endpoint. Change this if, for any reason, it collides with your path routing.

Handler Settings

Handler Path

handler_path - str (required) The Python path to your Lambda function.

URL Path

url_path - str (required) The Starlette routing path on which your handler will be exposed.


timeout - float (default: None, which means no timeout) The time in seconds after which the Lambda Handler raises a Timeout Exception, simulating Lambda's real-life timeouts.

Event Data Function

event_data_function_path - str (default: "smyth.event.generate_api_gw_v2_event_data") Read more about event functions here.

Context Data Function

context_data_function_path - str (default: "smyth.context.generate_context_data") A function similar to the event generator, but it constructs the context, adding some metadata from Smyth's runtime. You can create and use your own.

Fake Coldstart

fake_coldstart - bool (default: False) Makes the subprocess time.sleep for a random time between 0.5 and 1 second when a subprocess is cold, imitating the longer first response time of real Lambdas.

Log Level

log_level - str (default: "INFO") Log level for Smyth's runner function, which is still part of Smyth but already running in the subprocess. Note that the logging of your Lambda handler code should be set separately.


concurrency - int (default: 1) Read more about concurrency here.

Strategy Generator

strategy_generator_path - str (default: "smyth.runner.strategy.first_warm") Read more about dispatch strategies here.